Kinks-R-Us? Not quite, but I hope you'll find this to be is an interesting description of some of my hobbies and devices. It's one of the worlds I live in. |
hhhmmm.... The Creature .... What the hell is THAT all about you ask? And, more to the point, who is JG-Leathers? Hhhmmm.... Well, loosely described, it's a life long hobby of kinky construction and my way of exploring a different aspect of the world around me, but I suppose that that will become pretty obvious as you read onward. |
I'm a fellow kink and sensation slut, and have created a set of equipment that, collectively, I define as “The Creature”, or TC. It's MY hobby; a life long love and fascination that's the equivalent of golf, hockey, boats, cars, or model railroads for others. |
The intent of TC is to pursue the exploration of my senses by stimulating them to the edge of the envelope, and many times beyond what can normally be experienced in real life, but I didn't want to just limit it to the male gender, and so one of my design parameters was that TC be a uni-sex creation. |
Luckily, I've inherited an ability to visualize and sketch, as well as to write fairly coherently, and along the way have also accumulated other skills that have helped me to get to where I am now ... wherever in hell that is! |
I've always been fascinated with harnesses of various types, and over the years, created different versions from all sorts of materials. In conjunction with this fascination, the command and control aspect that so fascinates all of us in the scene goes hand in hand, and so, after some initial, unsatisfying purchases of equipment from various suppliers, I decided to build my own. TC as it now exists is getting close to the culmination of this life-long love, but perhaps first I should give a little of its history. |
I started enjoying harnesses very early in life, beginning with the kind that are used by mothers to keep their little darlings from running amok when in public, and I'm sure my mother always wondered why I clamored to be dressed in it, when all the other kids hated theirs with an abiding passion. For me, it just felt good and 'right' that I should have this restriction imposed, then be guided and controlled by a superior force That a harness could be used in a sexually explicit setting never entered my mind at that point, but I can remember too, being fascinated by horse harness and felt the first stirrings of a sexual excitement, even back then. God! Look what it's turned into! Anyhow, on with the tale of my voyage of discovery. |
Harnesses, by their very nature and definition are the embodiment of control and also, for the most part, a highly visual definition of it. The exception to this general rule is the day-to-day (semi-hidden) harnesses that women wear: a bra and occasionally, garter belt or girdle and regular stockings. However, I looked around and saw many other examples of them (parachute, safety, and animal types), and eventually, settled on the idea of one that would turn the wearer, be they male or female, into a human horse and so set about creating my very first purpose-built harness. Even then, the idea of using other more sexually oriented options to both discipline and train the wearer |
was burbling away in the back of my mind, and I slowly began to develop those concepts also. What resulted from these first rather crude efforts was a bridle/head cage, an upper body harness, a waist |
cinch, and a set of crotch pieces; one for males and one for females. It took some time to bring this all of this equipment to completion, but in the summer of 1980 it was done, and I began to play with my gear and look for ladies who were willing to wear it for me. |
I not only once more enjoyed the sensations of feeling the control, but the results of my design efforts were pleasing to look at, in my view, because they followed the natural curves of the human form and were not just a bunch of straight straps bashed together. |

These are some of my first photos of the original version of the Horse Woman - Pony Girl Harness, taken in the early 1980's. My first model was most co-operative and seemed to enjoy her excursion into kinkery! |
Eventually, I found a model and took suitable pictures, then, with some good fortune, showed them to a publisher friend in Los Angeles. In time, these pictures appeared in one of their magazines (Hogtie Number 14), and have since become widely spread throughout the web on various pony girl/horse women dedicated sites. A couple of years after the article and pictures appeared, the publisher and I worked on the video PONY GIRLS AT THE RANCH, in which I 'starred' as the ranch ramrod bad ass. Imagine that! |
Of course these occurrences were very gratifying, but I wasn't really all that happy with the harness/TC as it then existed, and so began to slowly work on developing The Creature and its assorted talents even further. I read a great deal, and one of my other fascinations was |
the employment of chastity belts. That too became an element in the creative process for TC, for a chastity belt is one of the most basic of command and control devices, and so the idea of controlling a wearer's sexual capabilities was also included as one of my design parameters. |
Bondage within TC is a basic concept, and I made provisions for The Creature to be irremovable by the wearer; employing hand and ankle cuffs together with suitable restraint arrangements and this is when TC, as it currently exists, began to evolve more fully. |
These are concept drawings and, I feel, not very good because I can barely draw the human figure, but the idea comes across pretty well :-). I generally do quite a few drawings before actually creating the real equipment. |
Other than the discipline and control that could be exerted by the reins to the bit and bridle in the Horse Woman/Horse Man configuration, I wanted yet other capabilities to be available and so went looking for additional means of enhancing TC. I'm not into 'impact sports' such as flogging, whipping, beating, etc. and too, the harness, covering so much of the wearer's body, made any sort of flogging or whipping virtually pointless, with the exception of the well presented buttocks of the wearer. I still wanted something that would be extremely intense to experience, and what came to mind was some sort of vacuum system that could be employed on either a male or a female. |
Naturally, I wanted these devices to be applied to the breasts of both male and female wearers of TC, and for the male, there was another obvious and interesting area ... the crotch. I began to think about and create the appropriate equipment, and thus came the development of the vacuum penis tube and breast cups. |
Being the person I am, THAT wasn't enough, and I went on to discover the safe use of electricity for scene play. I had enough brains, even then, to understand that house current was NOT something to mess around with, and so went looking for some sort of device that would supply the extreme stimulation I craved. |
What I first decided upon were cattle prods, then I discovered that there were things called TENS units and these filled the bill quite well for a number of years. I've since moved on to the purpose-designed e-stim (electrical stimulation) machines made by ErosTek, and to me they are the Rolls-Royce of these kind of toys. |
Of course, once I discovered the availability and uses of electricity, my mind leapt to the thought of combining it with the vacuum and bondage to |
provide an even wilder stimulation experience. This, quite naturally, necessitated the next of many revisions of the basic designs for the components of TC and so in due course I created vacuum and electrical stimulation (either separately or together) capable breast cups. These worked equally as well on males as they did on females, and of course, the vacuum/electrical penis tube, with even more evil options was a mind blowing experience, especially when the two sensations of suckling and e-stim were combined. |
I considered placing additional e-stim contacts throughout the other portions of the harness, but rejected the idea for the most part; adding only electrical 'spanker pads on the buttock straps. All was not done though and I next moved into the concept of selective sensory deprivation and stimulation. Of course this led me into the next area of TC's development. |
Another long-time fascination and love of mine was gas masks and their inherent limitation of one's senses and ability to breathe without restriction and/or control. It was time for one to be incorporated into the make up of The Creature so I purchased the first of many that were to follow, then modified it so the wearer's primary senses (hearing and sight) could be completely governed by the 'controller'. |
Blinder panels were created for the eye ports, along with ear plugs and sound reduction ear muffs. I soon discovered companies that made 'after market' modifications to gas masks, incorporating full rubber head and neck covering helmets, and so I went and got some of THOSE also. Man! It was happening! |
Along the way, I'd also created leather wrist and ankle cuffs, collars and head harnesses of assorted types and capabilities, but I wanted still more ... as we all seem to at some point in our voyages of discovery within the scene. I'd made leather head cages already; i.e. the human equine bridle, so making others that would fit over and around the gas mask wasn't a major creative problem. These were designed and integrated to a wide posture type collar and it quickly became apparent that this piece was going to be a very intimidating and controlling thing to be imprisoned in. Naturally, it was designed to be locked in place, preventing removal by the wearer, and so I began to get closer to my still unfulfilled, ideal Creature. |
The pictures below were taken at Dressing For Pleasure in 1988, at the Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan. It was my first public appearance wearing The Creature and it was a blast. At first I was worried about being seen, but that soon passed. People just couldn't believe that someone would dress up in an outfit like THAT! It was quite a rush to see people's heads spin around and then the stares of disbelief. |
Blinded and deafened in the gas mask. As you can see, I'm preparing for the play session, and could not stop the shivering anticipation of what was to soon come. My 'controller' was very happy to watch and assist while I dressed, and anxiously waited to take the controls. |
I also liked the idea of suspension in combination with restraint and stimulation; sort of a mobile bondage experience if you will: an oxymoron if ever there was one! This was a designed-in capability, for the harness was already endowed with a plethora of sturdily mounted rings built into its structure. How to manage this though? A trip to the local hardware store provided the answer, as it does for so many of us, and I settled upon the use of garage door springs and 'ganged' bungee cords. All one needed to do was to climb on a stool, connect the springs to the harness, then step off. What would result, I knew, would be a bouncing type of suspension and I could then happily dangle there in mid-air in my glorified version of a 'baby bouncer'; all the while being stimulated by the e-stim machines and vacuum gear. Seemed like a good idea, and so I pursued the creation of the environment with dedication. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention; or in my case a desperate and horny desire to experience something just NOT available anywhere else that I was aware of. |
And so, here I was, waiting for it to begin. Yes, I was scared of what was soon to come, but also very much desiring the intense sensations ... ones I'd have no control over whatsoever, except for screaming protests to stop, and even then, they could very well continue! Once they began, there was no way I could stop them, and I'd told my 'controller' to be uncaring of any and all of the wails or howling I made. Damn! What a spot to put yourself in., but that's what I wanted/needed so desperately. |
Ah! Nirvana achieved at last? Nope! I wanted yet more (of course!) and so began to work on the idea of self-bondage to enhance the entire situation, while all of the preceding was going on. Crazy? Probably, but I wanted a 'ride' that would both scare the hell out of me, and thrill as no other could, and therefore I began to employ the steel ankle and wrist cuffs I'd modified and made some 'liners' for. Eventually, I had all of the equipment needed to bring my desired scene to fruitition, then i spent A LONG time planning how it would go, until at last the day came. and I was ready to enjoy the results of all my labour. |
At this point I must digress for a moment and say that there is a HUGE amount of pre-planning and arranging that must be done for a session like this ... for it isn't only the placement and sequencing for getting INTO the situation .... one must also plan to get OUT of it ... at some point. |
Once standing on the stool, I connected my ankle cuffs to widely-separated floor rings, using lighter tension springs. This part of the process wasn't all that easy, for the springs to my ankles pulled outward constantly, but I was getting closer. |
The garage door springs were then fastened to the harness, but I had yet to put on the helmet and gas mask. The switch for the vacuum pump was close at hand and so I turned it on, gasping from the inescapable sensation of the penis tube and breast cups sucking themselves leech-like onto my body. At that point I turned up the e-stim to a level I THOUGHT I could withstand for an extended period, then began to put on the helmet and gas mask. Once the helmet was zipped closed, making the gas mask into an airtight and quite oppressive containment it was time to get the head cage on and locked. This I managed fairly well, then I integrated it to the chest harness, adding even more to my bondage and feeling of helplessness and isolation. |
LEFT PICTURE - This was my first of a very few local, public appearances and play, here in Vancouver. In this picture, I was already suspended and being subjected to various stimulating sensations. CENTRE PICTURE - This picture was shot in up-state New York and has since been used as a CD cover picture. Again, as is my constant aim and desire, I was utterly helpless to escape the situation I was in, and had to rely on the kindness of the people with me to be eventually freed. RIGHT PICTURE - This is a self portrait taken at my home. It was difficult to take this series, being totally alone, but where there is a will, there IS a way! |

I fumbled to lock my wrist cuffs to other springs from the ceiling as I pretty much knew where they were and could pull my hands close enough together to fasten them, then shortly thereafter I felt my arms and hands drawn firmly and unrelentingly off to the sides and away from each other. Certainly, I could pull against them and manage to get my hands together for a very short time, but the springs ALWAYS win and when my muscles tired ... BOING! ... my arms were pulled out into uselessness again! |
These pictures are more recent in origin and show one of my favorite bondage arrangements. Without assistance, there is NO way to get out of this situation, and any struggling to do so, or to escape the intense sensations of the electrical stimulation and the strong, pulsating suction of the vacuum appliances results only in wild bouncing on the garage door springs and so I waited for it all to begin, in some terror of how my domme friend will treat me. |
My moment of truth had finally arrived. I stepped off the stool into ... nothingness. When I did, the stool was nudged back behind me, almost unreachable, and there I was, hung in mid-air, my arms spread widely apart by the tensioned springs, legs pulled apart the same way, blind, deafened; virtually helpless, and vulnerable. I was being strongly suckled by the uncaring vacuum and frighteningly shocked by the e-stim machines and there was NO way I could turn off either appliances! God! What a sensation that first time (and every one since!). I struggled uselessly against the restriction of the springs, feeling myself bounce up and down on the heavier ones, but still able |
to pull my arms and legs against the other, lighter ones, but found that I was pretty much helpless. The vacuum and e-stim continued unabated and I began to wish that I'd not placed their switches so far beyond my reach. I had NO way of getting to the controls for their switches had swung far beyond where I could reach them, suspended as I was! I just had to endure and try to enjoy what was happening. The stimulation sensations were pretty wild on top of everything else I'd done to get into this fix. I couldn't see anything inside the helmet and so had no idea of even where the switches were now and so I HAD to hang there in silence, blinded and suffering the almost unbearable sensations. |
Every few minutes they vacuum and e-stim seemed to peak at the same time, and I couldn't stop the yells and occasional screams I made, but my protestations didn't matter, for the helmet and gas mask muffled virtually all the noises I made. I was at home alone and, being in the basement with the door to my Whine Cellar (boy was THAT true!) closed, no sound escaped the room, never mind the house, and so any chance of someone hearing me and coming to my rescue was, quite effectively ... zero. |
All good things come to an end, and some unknown time later I wanted to escape my self-imposed bondage. Oops! How could I find the stool I'd stood on to get myself into this fix? I couldn't see, thanks to the locked-on gas mask and helmet, and wearing the high heeled thigh boots, I couldn't sense where it was behind me, to say nothing of the springs keeping my legs apart! Uh-oh! , Damn! |
Gas masked, blinded and fitted with the vacuum/electrical breast cups: Although my face can't be seen in these pix, I had an expression of terror while the vacuum sucked on my breasts while they were simultaneously being shuddered by pulsing waves of electro-stimulation. As much as I tried to pull my hands down to tear off the terrible breast cups, it was impossible to manage. |
And so I hung there for quite some time, ever more aware of the effects of the constant vacuum and e-stim. When tried to pull my hands together to release the springs that separated them. I could manage it for only a few seconds, but my muscles rapidly tired and my arms were tugged out again, leaving me precisely where I'd been before! I tried bouncing myself onto the stool, but that too met with no success and I realized I HAD to get my hands free before any further release could be effected. It was the only way I'd be able to remove the incredibly limiting (and truth be told, bloody scary) gas mask and helmet. After that, I'd somehow have to get to the controls for the e-stim and vacuum pump and turn the damned things OFF! |
Well, because you're reading this, it's obvious I eventually man-aged to free myself and recover from the experience, but it wasn't the last one, and I look forward to many more to come, hopefully even more intense. |
The situation described above is by NO means an invitation for anyone else to try the same thing. I thought long and hard about all the options and situations I could imagine before doing it, and even THEN, I damned nearly didn't get out of it. Being both the designer and creator of the equipment and situation described, I cannot stress too strongly just hpow dangerous self-bondage can be. |
Certainly, many of us are driven to experiment with it, but if you're not paying REAL AND DETAILED attention to what you're doing, no matter that your gear is the safest and strongest money can buy, you could very well find that you'll be explaining your unexpected arrival at the Pearly Gates to the guardian angel, much to its amusement and laughter. |
Self-bondage can easily and quickly become a life or death situation, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself if things go sideways. But by then, it's too bloody late. |
Along my journey I've accumulated a ton of gear, as we all seem to. I make most of my own 'toys' (primarily for my own entertainment) but have many other pieces I've purchased: boots, gas masks, steel restraints, corsets, rubber suits, etc., and keep adding more to the ensemble I've described as The Creature. Fairly early on, one of the things I discovered was that I REALLY liked full rubber enclosure,and to this point have had three rubber cat suits, many helmeted gas masks, a torso corset, boned rubber bondage mittens, arm corsets, leggings, thigh corsets (all of these can be connected to the torso corset), and a Mermaid Style, lace-up dress. |

My 'controller' and the panel that runs all of The Creature's functions. She took great delight in turning the various dials and switches, then looking at me, at the other end of the room, while I bounced around and fought my restraints, desperate to escape what was being done to me, and all the while howling and, occasionally, screaming when the sensations peaked at the same time. Needless to say, the vacuum and electrical crotch gear were both in full and frightening operation. |
My most recent suit is quite thick and designed specifically to be worn under the TC harness, with all parts of the e-stim and electrical equipment remaining fully functional. Combined with the helmeted gas mask, gloves, boots of various types, and a rubber corset, I can manage a complete encasement and a totality of bondage experience that is hard to describe to those who've never experienced it. It is both a scary and delicious feast of sensory awareness. |
LEFT PICTURE - Taken by a friend in my back yard on the 13th February, 2004. I was fully encased in my cat suit, helmet and gas mask, then taken out and leashed by a chain from the 'Inhibitor Bar' of my chastity belt to a deeply screwed-in lawn auger of the type used to leash pets. It was an incredibly arousing and scary experience to be left out there alone on the lawn, knowing I could NOT escape, and I suppose that's one of the big factors for me ... knowing of the completeness and inescapability of the bondage I enjoy playing in. CENTRE PICTURE - a detail shot of the neck corset that covered and secured the neck tube of the gas mask/helmet, as well as the high neck tube of the rubber suit. The neck corset is also integrated to the torso corset, preventing easy removal and strongly restricting my ability to turn my head or move it up or down. This restriction added even more to the feelings of helplessness for I could NOT see the fastenings of my wrist cuffs, being unable to bring them into my visual range. What an incredibly exhilarating feeling to be held such a captive! RIGHT PICTURE - I suppose one could call this picture "Fried but not Freed". It was a long day out on my chain leashes, but if it had been anything other than a photo session, I'd have been happy to be kept out until night came, and maybe beyond. Crazy, I know, but what a tremendous bondage experience. |
The advent of the internet has been a boon beyond words, for it has allowed those of us of like mind to come together as a community, where before, we all thought we existed in individual vacuums of personal weirdness. It's been wonderful to discover that we have plenty of company in our kink desires, to one degree or another, and when it comes right down to it, it's a freeing experience. |
In this regard, I came across a web site back in 1997 that carried a supposedly true story that was extremely arousing and attractive to me. This site (since gone) was called, simply “SABRINA” and I found it on the ALTAIRBOY web site (www.tpe.com/~altarboy/), a free and wonderfully comprehensive site dealing with chastity belts and all of their arcane permutations and usages. |
'Sabrina' was something else! SUPPOSEDLY, she is a young German woman, held as a consensual, yet secret, household prisoner by her Master. She is kept always confined in a full, 3mm thick, modified rubber suit and helmet, and over the top of this, a full, very restricting, stainless steel body harness and set of restraints is both bolted and riveted onto and around her body and limbs. In addition, Sabrina is always kept leashed to the wall of her hidden household dungeon by three, four metre long separate steel chains: one to the |
back of her collar, the second to the back of her chastity belt's waist band and the third to the central ring of her ankle spreader bar. Without doubt, she is deeply imprisoned in the time-locked and sealed high security area of the basement of the house, totally imprisoned and isolated from the outer world. Sabrina is, now, never permitted to emerge from of this secret area of the house. Her new life though has evolved into something she never contemplated would actually happen ... total, life long, REAL imprisonment, dressed and restrained just as has been described above! |
Sabrina's harness and suit are removed every few weeks for full cleaning. All the while she is kept in 'lighter' restraints so there is no chance for her to escape her new life. |
LEFT PICTURE - "Is THIS what you want to put me into?" she asked with an anticipatory shudder. I smiled and said yes, it is. CENTRE LEFT PICTURE - We're part way to her full encasement, and here, she's being subjected to the unavoidable control of the Inhibitor Bar. This fearsome appliance is securely and mechanically connected to a substantial, electrifiable dildo. There is no possible way for her to avoid the tug of the leash, for if pulled in one direction, the dildo moves quite disconcertingly in the opposite one. It's a sublimely controlling arrangement. CENTRE RIGHT PICTURE - At this point of the session, the lady was wondering strongly about her sanity (and mine). The picture could easily be entitled "Oh my God! Am I NUTS?" RIGHT PICTURE - My 'victim has now been fully suspended and is ready for some fun. She's been drawn up by means of a slightly perverted garage door opener system and awaits the beginning of the session with more than a little trepidation. Note the tensioned spring to the lady's Inhibitor Bar. When the tensioning chain is strummed, she cannot help but know that she is under total control. |
Sabrina's steel body harness incorporates a chastity belt, a chastity bra, a combined head cage/collar, a wrist separator bar of some |
16 inches length (thus preventing her from using her hands in conjunction), and a terribly limiting device called a Spanish Trapezoid. The trapezoid keeps her legs constantly separated and limits her ability to walk freely, to say nothing of the effect on her mobility of the 25 lb. steel ball, also chained to her ankle spreader bar. All of the component pieces are interconnected with chains, and her wrist separator bar is linked with the trapezoid in such a way that when her legs are straight, it snaps tightly against her waist band, and at the same time, her elbows are pulled into and slightly behind her body thus rendering her hands and arms totally useless. The only way for her to gain any freedom for her arms is to crouch on the floor or sit on her stool. |
LEFT PICTURE - This is my first version of the 'Sabrina Style' integrated Head Cage and Collar, and was finally created after years of thoughts on the design and how it would feel to be secured in something so limiting. It performed precisely as I wanted it to, and once locked into the thing, it proved indeed to be VERY restricting. Of course, it integrates very securely to the remainder of the Metal Restraint And Discipline Harness. LEFT CENTRE PICTURE - The metal Head Cage and Collar with the added options of the normal gag panel and the vision restriction panel. A feeding gag and a full blindfold can also be fitted. RIGHT CENTRE PICTURE - The 'Full Monty' Here, I'm confined in my first version of the full, Sabrina Style metal harness, leashed, and semi-suspended in the Slave Swing. There is NO way to escape this harness and bondage situation once fastened into them. I love the sensation and sure knowledge. RIGHT PICTURE - A detail picture of the front of the Metal Restraint And Discipline Harness. If you look closely, you can see the lighter chains connected to the ends of my wrist separator bar; these acting to automatically pull the bar tight to my chastity belt's waist band when my legs are straightened in any way. A similar set acts on my upper arm cuffs, pulling them in tight to my body and eliminating any small freedom of the hands and arms. |
'Sabrina' spends most of her nights chained to the floor on a thin mat, but at other times of her Master's choosing, she is hung in a thing called the 'Slave Swing' to spend the night dangling there in semi-suspension. |
As the term of her imprisonment has lengthened further additions have, again supposedly, been made to her regime of constant discipline and restraint. Her nose has now been fully pierced and fitted with a non- removable steel rod that transfixes both her outer |
nostrils and septum's cartilage. This rod acts as the mounting shaft for a substantial steel shackle and an attached, 50 cm long chain leash, thus permitting her jailers to easily control and discipline her when the mood strikes |
Within her nostrils, the bar passes through the ends of the U shackle, and this hangs down with the leash being readily available to her jailers, although she herself cannot get at it to ease the constant swing weight and annoyance. Sabrina is now also forced to perform 'Hard Labour' as a part of her continuing punishment for lying to her Master. This Hard labour is done by her being fastened to either a treadmill or a 'galley oar machine', and if she doesn't work, e-stim of varying but irresistible strengths is applied automatically through her electrified dildo until she does. |
Of course Sabrina cannot even hope to escape this arrangement, and at this writing, has again, SUPPOSEDLY, been a prisoner in the dungeon for some 7 years. |
Much more could be written about 'Sabrina' here, but I shan't go further than what I've already placed before you. I've written a partial biography of Sabrina, having been totally fascinated with her situation for such a long time, and its planned publication should occur in September of 2005. |

TOP TWO - Concept drawings made for Sabrina's permanent nose jewellery. The 'U' |
shackle into the nostrils has a permanently fastened, 50 cm long light leash chain attached. Once fitted, the design is such that it cannot be removed without cutting of the flesh and cartilage in which the bar is embedded. BOTTOM THREE - Concept drawings done to illustrate a couple of stories I've written about Horse Women and Pony Girls. They get the general idea of Command And Control across pretty clearly. |
These pictures were taken in Germany in October, 2002 showing the total controllability that the bridle and harness place the wearer in. I thoroughly enjoyed those sensations, and HAD to go where the reins pulled. To add even more to the control that could be exerted, I had also been fitted with an e-stim capable penile tube, and it was employed to 'encourage' me to move to where I was supposed to be for the pix, much to my delight and some terror. |
I've mentioned her in this narrative to indicate where
my latest area of fascination with the scene has gone, and
that is into the area of metal restraint equipment.
Sabrina's tale, true or not (and probably not), has also
provided me with the inspiration to write many stories in
regard to the type of situation she's found herself in,
as well as the previously mentioned, partial biography,
and so has given me immense enjoyment.
At this point in my journey, I've managed to build the prototypes of Sabrina's full metal restraint harness, and am now actively in the process of duplicating it more fully, with some of my own innovations thrown into the mix. MY harness, both male and female versions, has all of the original capabilities of Sabrina's, including the gag panels (regular and as hers does), a 'feeding' type, which she is now fitted with nearly all of the time. I've also created a 'sight limiter' panel and blind fold, and for female usage, a remotely controlled, electrified dildo. The male version has the vacuum-electrical penis tube and breast cups also. I've created much of the other equipment and devices that 'Sabrina' must endure, and so my journey of exploration continues unabated. |
LEFT PICTURE - Ah yes! And now for some vibratory entertainment! It's truly wonderful how one can pervert an ordinary vibrator sander! You can see it taped to the Inhibitor Bar between her spread legs. CENTRE PICTURE - It was time for the rubber helmet and ball gag. Here, the lady is being subjected to all of the interesting and terrifying sensations that The Creature is capable of, but I'm not quite done with her yet! RIGHT PICTURE - Totally helpless! Suspended, helmeted, gas-masked, blinded, deafened, and with the e-stim on at medium, vacuum suckling her breasts, and vibrator going at full speed! She made some quite interesting noises while dangling and jerking frantically at her restraints, but there was no way out and I wasn't ready to release her. |

LEFT - Concept drawing of the 'cow girl' crotch piece. This provides all of the necessary sanitary facilities for long-term wear, and although not fully created at this writing, it is being worked on. ABOVE - The first concept drawing of a full-flow enema butt plug. High colonic irrigations can easily be done with this piece of equipment, but further modifications are required to make it fully functional. |
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