

- AUGUST (A), 2010 -





Although I do this for fun, I'd like to request your assistance with the costs of keeping the site on-line.

Bandwidth use is well over 900 GIGabytes a month and it ain't cheap here in The Great White North. Anything you can spare will help to keep the site humming along. As you may have noted the DONATION BUTTON has been replaced, this at the command of the folks who provided the facility. I am prohibited from mentioning them by name. However, electronic donations can still be deposited to keep this web site alive, by using the button below, which, effectively, does the same thing.

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Thanks all for your patience, and in advance, for your assistance to cover the costs incurred.



I will generally do an update at the 10th of the month, the 20th and at the end of the month, with rotating pages from different sections of the site. Please read the introduction for each update and you'll find that I normally remember to hot-link to the appropriate new page.

Previous pages for this section will be placed in the archives for future reference and it's structure will normally be a month by month basis for each year (12 pages), sub-divided into three sections (A, B & C).

Please Note: There is no "INDEX" page per se. Use the month and year pages at he the bottom of the page to review previous updates to this Section and the Rogue's Gallery.


- 15th AUGUST, 2010 -

There's been an update to the "Overnighter" Section below and also, note that the GeeTwo Story Site has also been updated.

- 10th AUGUST, 2010 -

Summer is moving along nicely and things are progressing on the kink frontier.  My good friend, The Mad Scot, Grimly_Feendish, and his lovely lady, thisgirl, have been kind enough to send more pix of his latest pieces of kit and some session pix.  Here they are below.


I'm sure that many have waited for a more complete set of pix of Angel that were shot last July and so you'll find Part One: Angel: A Horse Woman in My Back Yard, on Page 47 of the JG-L Articles Section of the site.  Part Two: Angel: A Prisoner, Delivered for Discipline, and Part Three: Angel & The Creature: Training & Discipline will eventually show up as well, of course.  I hope to get it together and have video's done of each part, that will eventually be sold via this site.  A few pix to remind you who she is :-).


- My First Overnighter Experiment -

Work continues in other areas of course, but for the moment there's little to tell about my labours down in the Work Shop other than that I did a full rubber enclosure overnighter.  Here's some pix and descriptions of the gear and the set-up.

Above left, you'll see the fully-opened LATOWSKI chastity belt with the mod's that I've made to add to its over-all comfort and long-term wearability: the black edging, back part cushion and the anal cover.  Also shown ... a tube of e-stim contact gel and a small bottle of silicon oil.  The centre pic is of the silicon rubber liner for the belt and on the right is the penile e-stim parts I've created that slide into the tube.

The base ring electrode slides on first, next the thickest ring, then the 5 narrow ones.  Right side shows the partial insertion. Once the belt is locked, there's no access permitted to the electrodes, and no way to escape the pulses unless the cable is disconnected.

Here's the e-stim set-up for the Bondage Bed ... readily accessible from a reclined position (until the wrist cuffs are connected to their cross strap) during self-bondage situations.  Right pic is an overview.

More detail, showing the vacuum/electrical breast cups and the Latowski CB.  The e-stim units will be running on 'mains power' so there will be no batteries crapping out and the e-stim will continue without let up.

A better over-all view showing collar at the top end with bungee cords connected to the collar's back ring.  Their other ends are fastened under the bed to keep the collar snugged down, then the above-the-elbow cuffs, locked to their cross-strap, the side rings of the CB's waistband are locked to its cross-strap.  Below that are the wrist cuffs and their cross strap, then the thigh cuffs and theirs.  At the bottom end are the ankle cuffs and separator bar, fastened to the cross strap and to the end of the bed tensioning strap.

This will be tried tonight.  It should be scary, and, hopefully, a lot of fun. (Yeah, I KNOW I'm crazy, but being a sensation slut ... what can I say?)

This is what it looked like.  It was fun and scary and I want to do it again :-).  Here's the way it worked ...

The rubber overnighter was a partial success, but not completely the way I wanted to do it. 

Temperatures ... although it was hot outside, my basement area is relatively cool, but even so, I was soon sweating inside the rubber suit, helmet and gloves.  I had had a lot of water to drink before and so didn't suffer any dehydration, but after, I certainly wanted more to drink (generally ... beer :-) ).

The process of setting everything up, then getting dressed and fitting the assorted restraints was a fairly long and involved one, as the reader can understand.  First, I had to fully coat my legs and body with silicon oil before slipping into the rubber cat suit and that is a fun thing to experience, itself.  The cat suit is fairly tight all over and so, just by itself is a type of 'bondage'.  Next came the LATOWSKI CB with all the internal electrodes and butt plug, then it was time to fit the AXSMAR thigh cuffs, then came the ankle cuffs.  These are very tight and I needed to use a clamp to keep them closed while I screwed in the locking pins.  At first I tried to wear them with a separator bar, but this REALLY restricted my ability to walk (as it is intended to do of course) and so I eventually changed it to a joining chain instead.

From that point, I was ready for the helmet: this one from RUBBERS FINEST.  It is nice and thick and beautifully made, but first I fitted industrial type ear plugs into my  ears then pulled it on.  Once it was zipped, I finished closing the cat suit's shoulder zippers over the helmet's collar.  The helmet is tight and makes sure that you are aware you are wearing it.  Because I generally wear a gas mask with this helmet and the nostril breathing holes are quite small, I always use surgical rubber tubes inserted into the holes and deeply into my nostrils to ensure a clear airway in case the helmet slips when the gas mask is applied.  Inserting the tubes adds yet another layer of sensation, but I soon became accustomed to them.

The Axsmar collar was the next thing to go on, locking me securely into the suit and helmet, then came the above-the-elbow cuffs, also locked on.  Everything was already positioned on and above the Bondage Bed, so I got onto it, then locked the outer rings of the ankle cuffs to their cross strap, then the tensioning strap to the central ring of the hobble chain.  Next came the thigh cuffs being locked to their own cross strap so that my legs were held down securely.

I lay back and connected the side rings of the CB to the cross strap that was waiting, then connected the e-stim cables from the twin EROSTEK  ET-312's for the penile and butt plug electrodes.  A moment later, I used the electro-conductive gel for the breast cups' outer rings and nipple contacts then slipped them into their waiting holes on the chest of the cat suit.  Because the vacuum pump was already turned on, the cups immediately sucked themselves tightly onto my chest and the sensation was a wonderful one to feel again :-).

I connected the breast e-stim cables and so I was just about ready.  I fastened the back ring of my collar to the strap at the top of the bed (thus preventing me from sitting up), then slowly began to turn up the e-stim to the crotch electrodes, then higher, so that my hips and body jumped automatically when the pulses got very strong.  Then, I did the same with the breast/nipple electrodes and was unable to stop my yells when THEY peaked.  Sometimes both the crotch and breast e-stim peaked at the same time and the sensations were very strong.

I now quickly fitted my hands into the thick rubber gloves and closed the lower arm zippers down over their arm tubes, then clasped the heavy steel cuffs around my wrists over the top of the zippers, sealing my hands inside.  I had to do these actions in steps, between the high level shocks, then it was time to pull on the gas mask and make its fastening straps tight.

When I'd finished, I was fully sealed away in an almost silent and totally black environment and all I could feel was the overwhelming tightness of the suit, helmet, gloves and gas mask and the restriction of my movements by the cuffs and chastity belt connections to the bed.  Of course the e-stim was pretty intense, allowing no chance of rest or of relaxation and so would have to be turned off if I was going to get any sort of rest, but for the moment I wanted to play more with it.

Now, I had to do any manipulation of the controls by touch alone, and THAT was difficult to judge.  The thick gloves insulated my sense of movement, and too, I couldn't see the read-outs on the e-stim units!  I moved the dials gently, I thought, but my gloved fingers slipped and suddenly the pulses got so strong that I could not stop the scream that they caused.  I turned the dials the other way ... quickly! as you can imagine :-).  Being the silly kink that I am, I soon turned them up again though, then lowered my hands and clipped the wrist cuffs to their waiting rings (temporarily, so that I'd be able to release them myself).

And so I lay there for a long time, struggling against the restraints and even more so when the e-stim became very strong.  I could breathe relatively easily, thanks to the tubes in my nostrils, inside the gas mask, but the air intake hoses were connected through the bubbler column and so every breath I took required a slight effort and caused the columns to make a loud gurgling noise.

I did about 4 hours of this, then had to call it a night.  I was pretty exhausted by the time all was said and done and very glad to get out of all the restraints and go for a shower, before falling into bed for a REAL rest :-).  All in all it was a good night :-)


The ROGUE'S GALLERY has received its usual injection of kink imagery that's of interest to me, and as per usual, here's some teasers.

And, here below are the latest A Series Banners and their associated pix.



- Banners & Thumbnails - A Series -

3-D KINK is the latest innovation from Kink.Com and gives you the participant a chance to let your mind run completely wild and create the most interesting of scenarios, characters and machinery you can possibly imagine.  THIS you gotta try :-)!


A FETISH PAGE has a huge inventory of beautifully created pix and is worthy of a look-see.


AMANDA WILDEFYRE is a friend of many years, and, being fellow gear heads, we get along well. She is a delightfully evil-minded lady of many skills and a visit to her will certainly be entertaining.


I was very fortunate to meet AMAZING ASTRID when I visited Tenerife in May, 2007. She's a beautiful, sophisticated and highly intelligent lady who has the wonderful capability to not be overwhelmed by her beauty, as so many are, and so it a delight both to the eye and the mind.


AMAZON SOUL has some lovely illustrations of kinky space adventuresses.


AMBER MICHAELS has some nice imagery that you'll find of interest


ANCILLA TILIA is a beautiful lady from Holland who has some incredibly lovely pix and situations to show.


ANNA ROSE is a truly wonderful, bent lady who likes all of the things I do and I admire her skills and dedication immensely. You'll certainly not be disappointed with all the neat things she's capable of ... and, more importantly ... does.


More recently, ANNA has become interested in the human equine side of the spectrum, as well as maintaining her considerable interest in the other areas she likes. If you like to see nose-ringed Horse Women properly and fully controlled, this is the place to check.


ANTOINETTE is a beautiful friend with a truly evil mind that should be explored in full measure. Disney has nothing on this lady!


ASHLEY RENEE has some wonderful images and video from a wide variety of different areas of interest within the scene and you'll not be disappointed with this lovely lady's pix.


BARONESS-BIJOU Has some lovely eye candy on her site as well as some nice video material that you'll find of interest.


BDSM 24/7: 'e' and her Master are very interesting folks and I've found them to be open and willing to show their areas of interest in the scene. E is a dedicated, 24/7 slave and has some wonderful pix of her journey.


BDSM ARTWORK has a large variety of excellently drawn images that will tweak your interests, I'm sure.


BIANCA BEAUCHAMP ... Wow! Some great images here of a true Canadian beauty.


BLOOD ANGELS and Pupett ... what can I say but right up there at the top! Beautiful ladies, excellent photography and interesting set-ups make this one of the 'Must See' sites on the web. You'll NOT be disappointed.


BOLDER PRODUCTIONS has some interesting images with a variety of themes that you may find of interest.


BONDAGE BY REQUEST is another site with a huge variety of excellent imagery.


BONDAGESEVEN has some great pix to check out.


BOUND LIFE has some pretty nice images of steel bondage gear used on beautiful ladies. Gotta be a winning combination in my view.


CAPTIVE KINK is one of those increasingly rare, free sites with excellent photography covering a multitude of scene interests.  It's operated by a UK friend and I recommend a visit.


CAPTURED TABOO'S is a free private site of a couple of close personal friends in Germany who do absolutely outstanding, original and quality work, in terms of invention, photography and video.  Definitely worthy of a long visit!


CASTLE DIABOLICA by Amanda Wildefyre is another site that's the name says it all :-)


CHANTA'S BITCHES takes an interesting tour. Check it out!


CHARLOTTE FETISH will take you on some interesting voyages, trying all sorts of strange things and certainly getting a charge from the experience.


CHURCH OF SINVENTION makes some of the finest leather equipment it has been my pleasure to own and play with. Pay them a visit and you'll NOT be disappointed.


CLAIRE ADAMS ... a beautiful lady who just does it right


CLINICAL TORMENTS will take you to places that are scary, erotic and interesting ... in some pretty extreme ways.  Lovely ladies and evil situations are a specialty here.


COCO is an artist with a unique and compelling look at lovely ladies and hard-muscled bitches.  Definitely worth a visit.


CODE-FETISH has some nice imagery and check pout their Links too.


CRAZY RUBBER has an amazing selection of rubber enthusiast images that you can spend days, if not weeks searching through. Worth a look for sure.


DECORATIVE GIRLS supplies us with just that commodity and all nicely packaged.


DEE & MICK LUVBIGHT have been around a little and done some really incredible stuff. She's an interesting lady with a sprightly outlook on life and happily accepts who and what she is. Their free site is a nice change from the run of the mill studio stuff.


DEVICE BONDAGE is definitely worthy of a visit. There's literally thousands of pix there that will keep your eyes glued to the screen.


DOMINATED RUBBER SLUTS has some great imagery that will keep you very entertained :-)


EMILIA FETISH has some great rubber pix and gives us a view of the Italian way of doing things. Very nice indeed :-)


The ENGLISH MANSION specializes in fem-dom material and if that's where you want to go, they've got the images and videos to keep your attention.


E-RESTRAINTS has some great pix and you'll not be disappointed when you visit the site. Nice gear, beautiful ladies and some great set-ups!


EVE ELLIS has a great selection of goodies to see.


FETISH BUNKER supplies you with some excellent imagery.


FETISH FANTASIEN is an interesting site from Germany with that unique, European slant on things. Beautifully photographed and the lady herself deserves the images.


FETISH LIVE is a site with some excellent photography, great equipment and toys, and beautiful models in interesting settings.


FETISH MISTRESS from Germany is an elegant lady with some nice images.


FETISH NATION has an environment all its own.


FETISH SATISFACTION will fulfil a lot of dreams.


FREAKS INSIDE the web site for SHINY ALINE ... a beautiful lady with a wonderfully bent imagination, especially when it comes to rubber enclosure. I was very happy to meet her in October, 2006 when I visited her in Dresden in the company of Pupett. About all I can say is ... wow!


FUCKED AND BOUND pretty much says it all, but I think it should have been the other way around.


FUCKING DUNGEON describes what happens here very succinctly. Nothing more need be said.


FUCKING MACHINES provides us with interesting machinery, put fully into use by the good folks at Kink.com.


FURY FANTASY makes the very best of horses heads and other animal type masks and although expensive you can be assured of the craftsmanship.


- AUGUST (A), 2010 -

