

- JULY (C), 2009 -





Although I do this for fun, I'd like to request your assistance with the costs of keeping the site on-line. Bandwidth use is well over 600 GIGabytes a month and it ain't cheap here in The Great White North. Anything you can spare will help to keep the site humming along.

SERVICE NOTE: Please accept my apologies for the lack of updates during the period of 10th, May to 10th July, 2009. As you must be aware by now, my computers, then this site, got a very bad virus infection and so I didn't do any uploading until everything was clean and safe.

Doing so has cost me well in excess of $1,600.00 USD by the time all was said and done. This kind of expenditure on what is basically a hobby site, and free to all visitors, CANNOT be sustained by me alone. I ask you, please, to consider what you're getting for nothing and help me to cover these costs by sending a cheque or postal money order to: JC GREEN, PO Box 2013, Point Roberts, WA, USA 98281-2013.

You will have noticed that the DONATION BUTTON has had to be removed, this at the command of the folks who provided the facility. I am prohibited from mentioning them by name, however, electronic donations can still be deposited to keep the web site alive, by going to THEIR site, that permits electronic funds transferal. In the 'Send Money To' box, just type in my e-mail addy, JC-GREEN@TELUS.NET, and all will work fine. Your support and donations are MOST appreciated!

Thanks all for your patience, and in advance, for your assistance to cover the costs incurred.



Please Note: There is no "INDEX" page per se. Use the month and year pages at he the bottom of the page to review previous updates to this Section and the Rogue's Gallery.

I will generally do an update at the 10th of the month, the 20th and at the end of the month, with rotating pages from different sections of the site. Please read the introduction for each update and you'll find that I normally remember to hot-link to the appropriate new page.

Previous pages for this section will be placed in the archives for future reference. It's structure will be on a month by month basis for each year (12 pages), sub-divided into three sections (A, B & C) for a grand total of 36 separate pages.


- 30th JULY, 2009 -

Here's the end of the month up-load and I hope you'll find some stuff in it of interest. I've placed a few more pix below from the shoots with the beautiful lady, Angel, and trust that you will enjoy the delightful eye candy. I sure as Hell have, again, while editing and tweaking the pix :-). The video's will be pretty impressive, just from having a look at the raw footage :-).

Angel is a wonderfully erotic Horse Woman and delight to have control of her reins. She's a fighter, but once bridled, bitted, harnessed and on a set of reins, she was totally mine to exercise and train.

After a small excursion around the neighbourhood with her hooded, gagged, blindfolded and chained in the back of the van, she was returned to the house then taken to have her nose leash affixed. It was an erotic and very powerful thing to fit her with and her eventual submission was wonderful for us both to experience.

Nakedness and restraints seem to go hand in hand in our world, and so once properly controlled, Angel disrobed and was hand cuffed then taken out for a little time in the sun.

Angel remained leashed to the fence post while I went and watered the flowers ... then it was her turn. She made the most delightful yells of outrage when the cold spray and stream of water hit her and danced out to the end of her leash, but then it was time to get her into the rubber suit and basic parts of The Creature.

Once she was in the cat suit and harness, now doubly leashed with one from her short Inhibitor bar and her nose, I took her out for another brief walk about.

Once back in the Whine Cellar, Angel was soon fully isolated from the outer world. The full head helmet and air mask, then the ear defenders were fitted and with the vetillator turned on she was fully under control. The attachment of the vacuum hoses and e-stim cables came next and she was soon swinging in mid-air, fully suspended while the e-stim was increased. And there she spent the next hour in her first session of attitude adjustment.

Surprisingly, I've not done any uploads to the NON-JG-L Pix Section for quite a long time, despite having the images already in the firing line and so here's a new page to that section that you'll enjoy. A few teaser pix below.

Of course I've placed a new page in the Rogue's Gallery, together with a little psycho-babble to go with the pix and here's a few images to maintain your attention.

And that's it for the month of July, 2009. Stay tuned! Much more to come. Best wishes to all from a hot, sunny and beautiful Lower Mainland of British Columbia! It's beer-o'clock and time to soak up a few ales.


- JULY (C), 2009 -

