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******************************* - NEWS & ADVENTURES - - APRIL, 2006 - ******************************* - 30th April, 2006 - Another couple of pages to the NON-JG-L Art and Pix sections have been uploaded. Hope you enjoy'em :-)! Here's some samples from each. The two on the left, below are from the Artist, Albo on the NON-JG-L Artists Section, Page 3. The two on the right are from the NON-JG-L Pix Section, Page 2 and it deals with cages and cells The four images below are from the NON-JG-L Pix Section, Page 3, dealing with Cow Girls and Milked Females. FYI, this is a LARGE page (124 images) so don't expect a fast load time (go for a coffee or a beer). ***************************** - 28th April, 2006 - I've finally gotten around to having Mark, my web guru and the owner of seriousbondage.com, activate the new Navigation Bar buttons that went up on the site a couple of months ago: NON-JG-L Art and NON-JG-L Pix. In the NON-JG-L Art Section, EmmaS' art is featured in Page One and Two and here's some sample images from my collection to entice you. EmmaS - Page One - Dominated Females EmmaS - Page Two - Dominated Males Also, here's a couple of images from the first upload to the Non-JG-L Pix Section, Page One. FYI, this area will not specifically feature any given photographer, but will concentrate more on the various sectors/categories of kink that I find interesting and is not limited to photographs only. Yesterday was a short play day for me, feeling "The Need for Speed", if you will and also a chance to test a new gas mask. Just a couple of pix of the event are shown (taken by my good friend Rubbert) for you've already seen this sort of thing before on the site :-). ***************************** - 21st April, 2006 - The second part of my most recent trip (to San Francisco, Phoenix and back to San Francisco) has been uploaded to the Travel Pictures Section, Page Nine and contains 72 pictures. I hope you'll find them of interest, despite some of the same-old, same-old. It was a fun trip. ***************************** - 17th April, 2006 - No doubt you've all noticed the increase in download times for the various articles on this site and some have written and complained about it. I've discussed this with my hosting company and was advised that traffic to this site is quite high, and, as a consequence, given the plan that this site is paid for by, they have had to restrict data transfer rates. The solution they offered was to get a dedicated server. HOWEVER .... if I go that route it involves QUADRUPLING my monthly cost to maintain the site ... and that kind of money I am not prepared to spend, unless you folks want to help pay for it. This is a free site and only a hobby for me, but NOT one I will support without financial assistance. If you like what you see here, then it has to be paid for some way, being a non-commercial site. As I'm retired and on a fixed income, I don't have the financial resources to shoulder the burden alone The choice is this ... Continue to enjoy the site as it currently stands with the long download times, OR ... send me some sort of continuing financial support. So, it's put up or shut up. Sorry to be so blunt, but remember the old Robert Heinlien saying T.A.N.S.T.A.A.F.L. - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. ***************************** - 16th April, 2006 - As sort of an apology for my neglect over the past month, a COUPLE of BIG uploads have just gone into the Travel Pictures Section and the JG-L Articles Section, so don't be surprised if it takes a while for each of these pages to load. Other uploads will follow now that I've finally managed to get all the pix organized. See Travel Pix Section, Page 8, for 123 new pix, and JG-L Articles, Page 23 for 82 new pix about my latest silly adventure. In another area, and for those who like rubber masks of all kinds, I've found a German site and company that makes some wonderful stuff. The company is called Rubber's Finest and they have a web site that is richly-endowed with pictures of their various types and styles of masks. I soon hope to have images that will no doubt draw you to see their whole selection. ***************************** - 11th April, 2006 - A 'completion' upload has gone into the Travel Pix Section of the site, Page 7, for both the San Francisco trip in March, 2005 and the Australia trip in May, 2005. These are minimal additions. As noted at the bottom of the page, the other major trip articles will remain in the JG-L Articles Section, to complete the year. The Travel Pix Section will soon have the latest trip images added in, and follow-on articles will also soon be added, as noted previously. ***************************** - 8th April, 2006 - Well, I guess I've goofed off long enough, so here's a little of what's been happening and what's coming up in the next weeks. I returned from the trip to San Francisco and Phoenix on the 2nd April, after some three weeks on the road, having covered a distance of over 6,000 km. It was a fun time in all respects, and of course, tons of pix were taken along the way. I caught a cold during trip (Of course! When else are the bloody things supposed to happen!) and am just now fighting off the last of it. I'll plead that as a partial excuse for not doing an update sooner than this, but in the meantime, here's a few images just as teasers :-). It seems to always be a convention of kink friends
and I got to renew acquaintances with all sorts of folks: Pupett,
P, Steffy The Rubber Doll, Martin,
and a host of others. I also met some new friends,
The Rubber Sisters, and of course, Joe, who owns the restaurant
across the road from Mark's home.
Gord, of course, had brought along a couple of
his amazing, woman-taming machines and happily demonstrated them to
fascinated audiences in a bunch of different places over the course
of the weekend.
After the weekend, Pupett Matthias and I drove
over to Phoenix and we met another group of my friends , then did
a presentation at APEX,
the local kink club and a bunch of great people.
Over the next weeks, I'll be posting a couple of photo-rich articles about the trip, as well as a one- or two-parter about a photo-shoot/story adventure with the new Steelwerks Chastity cage. Again, here's a few 'teaser' images. My publisher, Pink Flamingo Publications was kind enough to send me copies of my latest story and they arrived in San Francisco shortly after I did. ![]() ![]() Upon my return, I received the latest copy of Marquis Magazine, Issue #37, in which there is a flattering, four page spread on me and my 'Chained Convict For Life' book. The interview was conducted at the Kitty Cat Club in Munich, when I visited it last November 26-27th, by Thomas Hammerl and his beautiful lady, Anja. Here's a couple of small images of the pages concerned and the magazine cover. I cannot recommend Marquis too highly for its quality and content, and they've maintained their high standards for many years now. ******************************* - APRIL, 2006 - ******************************* NEWS & ADVENTURES - ARCHIVE ACCESS PAGE HOME PAGE |