

- JUNE, 2005 -


- Monday, 20th June, 2005 -

I've just completed another major up-load to the following sections of the site: Drawings, Photographs and Travel Pictures. These kinds of uploads are not going to go on forever, be assured!:-) However, hopefully, you'll find some stuff of interest, even if some of the outfits are a little repetitious.

- Sunday, 19th June, 2005 -

Both kink-wise and vanilla, it's been a good week, particularly the last 4 days! On the vanilla side of my life I finally managed to get the damned hedge beaten into submission and the lawns mowed without losing any vital parts of my anatomy to either the weed whacker (hedge and lawn trim) or the Mechanical Goat.

More interestingly, on Thursday I received my thigh-high, lace-up, platform-soled rubber boots from Pennangalan Dreams in the UK! Wow! These are mighty fine boots! They fit like a glove and with the application of a little silicon oil, gleam like the blackest coal.

Also, an idea I've had rumbling around the back of my mind to further pervert my TC, purpose-built rubber suit, finally came to fruition down in the work shop. For those unaware, I designed this incredible suit (created by the very talented Cameron Banks of MOR Rubber) with two breast apertures so that TC's electro-vacuum cups can be mounted, then the harness fastened over it all, integrating fully. However, I've always wanted full enclosure at all times, without having to wear the rather bulky cups. This necessitated some cogitation and what I came up with was a set of circular panels that would slip into the apertures, then be held there by their sandwich design.

The resulting devices did the job, but not as effectively as I wanted, being a little too inflexible. Hhhmmmm .... the answer was to make them a part of a chest harness to be worn under the suit, and I created this on Friday. The result is what I call a 'Male, Electrical Control Bra' and it holds the electrodes firmly in place. When combined with any of the Erostek or E-Play machines, it gives some bloody intense sensations; precisely what I wanted. Too, this arrangement can be worn under any ordinary clothing and if your dom/domme is using an e-stim unit capable of remote control ... well a whole new world of interesting situations arise :-). Here's some pix :-).

Yesterday (18th June), some friends drove up from Gig Harbour,WA and we attended the monthly event at Rascal's, in downtown Vancouver. Naturally I wore all this new gear and it was a hoot. Here's a couple of pix, just before we left the house.

This coming week will no doubt bring other adventures.

- Sunday,12th June, 2005 -

Another big up-load, this one an addition to the Travel Pictures area of the site. None of these pictures appear anywhere else that I'm aware of and I hope you enjoy the examples of my continual idiocy :-)

- Saturday, 11th June, 2005 -

I've been doing incremental add-in's to the Fiction page and have now completed all the basic statistics entries. The next step in this area will be the insertion of the story synopses ... a long task that will proceed slowly. Other areas will continue to be up-dated, particularly the Stuff for sale.

- Sunday, 5th June, 2005 -

I've just done a major site up-date to the Drawings, Fiction and Photographs areas. Hope you all enjoy it.


- JUNE, 2005 -
